National Sales Conference 2014

Street Furniture Australia held the annual National Sales Conference in our new office and factory in Regents Park, Sydney.

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Brainstorming new product ideas

To kickstart the event, we played Street Furniture Trivia and held a competitive model-making session. Trivia was fiercely fought by the various teams. Here are a few of the questions:

Q1. What famous design office did Darrel Conybeare work in prior to establishing SFA?
Answer: Charles and Ray Eames Office, USA.

Q2. What edible item was studied when designing the Monsoon Bin roof?
Answer: Pringle chip.

Q3. What does the swish symbol in our logo represent?
Answer: Relaxation, a seat and the letter ‘S’.

Q4. Which Street Furniture product appeared in the Coldplay music video The Stars in the Sky?
Answer: Classic Plaza Seat in red 2PAC finish.

Trivia was won by the Green team. Congratulations Merin, Nicole, Eddie and Mark.

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Trivia Winners

Model-making Competition

Each team was given a Street Furniture Australia product image, some scissors, sticky tape, cardboard and plastic straws. Bill and Darrel, our directors, made up the judging panel. Impressed by the level of skill and teamwork, the directors took a long time to come to a decision.

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The Judging Process

Here are the results:

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People’s Choice Award ‘For being big and bold!’

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And the Winner is… Vista Table! The team was commended for the excellent planning, teamwork and attention to detail.

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Congratulations Amien, Eugene, Chris G, Chris W and Isabelle

The National Sales Conference was a success. New product ideation, strategy presentations and lively round-table discussions made for a great start to the new financial year.

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Opening hours are from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

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