AILA Recap: The Square and the Park

Missed out on the 2019 International Festival of Landscape Architecture: The Square and the Park in Melbourne this month? Or ready to reminisce? Who won the Herschel suitcases? This is your festival recap.

More than 400 landscape architects and public space professionals attended the Square and the Park Conference and surrounding events, curated by Creative Directors Cassandra Chilton (Rush Wright Associates), Jillian Walliss (University of Melbourne) and Kirsten Bauer (ASPECT Studios).

2019 Creative Directors. Photo: AILA.
Deakin Edge at Federation Square hosted a program of ideas, conversation and networking. Photo: AILA.
Future Park Design Ideas Competition first place awarded to ‘The Gap’ by Marti Fooks (above), Claire Winsor, Suhas Vasudeva and Jacqueline Heggli.
Instagrammers and authors Shit Gardens, curators of the worst landscaping the internet has to offer, exhibited iconic sculptures, including this Gilt Tyre Swan.


Hundreds of landscape architects participated in an AILA Biodiver-City Demo and Die-In Activation, protesting the loss of biodiversity worldwide and advocating for change.

Landscape architects’ Die-In in Federation Square.

June Lee Boxsell, Head of Innovation and Marketing at Street Furniture Australia, spoke about our support of AILA’s Climate Emergency Declaration, our current environmental efforts and ambitious plans for the future.

June Boxsell: Street Furniture Australia supports the declaration of a Climate Emergency.

The Square and the Park (Park)

Street Furniture Australia supplied a range of Aria, Cafe Settings and Mall Curved Slim Benches for the breakout area – the Square and the Park (Park).

Mall Slim Curved Benches and Cafe Stools powdercoated in bright Lycra Strip green.
Aria Seat with woodgrain Curly Birch battens (available as a tailored option).
Aria Bench configured as a partial square shape, powdercoated in Deep Ocean.

Suitcase Winners Announced at the Street Furniture Australia After Party

At the Street Furniture Australia stand, complimentary screen cleaning cloths were on offer, and entries open for our Ready, Jet Set, Go! competition to win one of three Herschel Trade Carry-On suitcases, valued at $329 each.

Competition was tough, with 272 entries received for the Vermillion Orange, White and Olive carry-ons.

Street Furniture Australia’s stand.

The winners were announced via a draw at the Street Furniture Australia After Party.

Blake Farmar-Bowers took home the coveted white case, while the orange and green are making their way to Nicole Wilson from Scott Carver and Sue Ozanne from Urbis post-festival. Congratulations!

Suitcase winner: Blake Farmar-Bowers (right), with Chris Goris.
SFA signature cocktails lined up at the Street Furniture Australia After Party.

AILA Fellows Dinner

One of our favourite events at the Festival, the AILA Fellows Dinner brings together colleagues and friends each year.

The 2019 Q&A discussion featured AILA Fresh Victoria Co-Chair Gabrielle Carrasco and industry veteran Paul Thompson FAILA, MC’d by Foreground’s Jo Russell Clarke.

Proudly hosted by WE-EF and Street Furniture Australia.

AILA Fresh Co-Chair Gabrielle Carrasco and Paul Thompson, FAILA.
Fellows Dinner. Photo by WE-EF.
Fellows Dinner. Photo by WE-EF.

See You In Perth in 2020

Next year’s festival will take place in Western Australia, with the theme of Spectacle and Collapse: Changing Landscapes. We are looking forward to sponsoring our seventh consecutive AILA Festival in 2020, and hope to see you there.

make an enquiry

Opening hours are from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

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